Wellness Women Radio
Wellness Women Radio is brought to you by women’s health experts Dr Ashleigh Bond, the pregnancy and birthing guru, and the queen of hormone imbalances – the period whisperer herself, Dr Andrea Huddleston. The Wellness Women are raising the bar for women’s health by bringing you the most up to date information on all things health, hormones & fertility. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and follow us on social media @thewellnesswomenofficial, @drandrea.xo & @drashleighbond
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
WWR 25: That FAT Episode
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Do you avoid saturated fat? Is a ‘skinny’ coffee you first choice? Is it ‘low-fat’ that you look for on food labels? Many women (and men!) struggle with the fear that eating fat will make them fat. This episodes busts through the myths about fat consumption, and explores the exciting research that shows eating good quality fats will actually make you skinny! The Wellness Women discuss how the best way to get healthy at a cellular level requires you to tip the standard food pyramid on its head. Learn which fats are healthy, explore the difference between ‘good’ fats and ‘bad’ fats, investigate the ketogenic diet, and understand how to improve your eating habits by including essential nutrient-dense foods. The Wellness Women deliver simple food choices that can make an incredible change to how you feel, how your body functions, and how you look. Enjoy this weeks fat-fuelled episode!
For more detailed reading, and an extensive list of published research references, we recommend the New York Times best seller by Dr Mark Hyman: Eat Fat, Get Thin
You can purchase it online or at your nearest bookstore:
Here are 5 great take-home fat facts from Dr Mark Hyman:
1. Sugar, not fat, makes you fat. The average American eats 69 kilos of sugar and 66 kilos of flour that converts to sugar every year. That’s nearly 2kg of sugar and flour combined every day! Australians aren’t that far behind. More sugar means your cells become numb to insulin’s “call.” Your body pumps out more and more insulin to pull your blood sugar levels back down. You can’t burn all the sugar you eat. Inevitably, your body stores it as fat, creating insulin resistance and overall metabolic havoc among other mayhem.
2. Dietary fat is more complex than sugar. There are some 257 names for sugar, but despite very minor variations, they all create the same damage. In other words, sugar is sugar is sugar; it all wreaks havoc on your health. Fat is more complex. We have saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and even trans fats, not to mention subcategories within each group. Some fats are good; others neutral; and yes, a few are bad.
3. Low-fat diets tend to be heart-unhealthy, high-sugar diets. When people eat less fat, they tend to eat more starch or sugar instead and this actually increases their levels of the small, dense cholesterol that causes heart attacks. In fact, studies show 75 percent of people who end up in the emergency room with a heart attack have normal overall cholesterol levels. But what they do have is pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.
4. Saturated fat is not your enemy. A review of all the research on saturated fat published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found no correlation between saturated fat and heart disease. As with all fats, quality becomes key here. The fats in a fast-food bacon feedlot cheeseburger will have an entirely different effect than saturated fat in coconut oil. Let’s stop classifying it all as the same.
5. Some fats are unhealthy. They include trans fat and inflammatory vegetable oils. Unfortunately, these fats have increased in our diet as they make us fatter and contribute to inflammation, which plays a role in nearly every chronic disease on the planet.
6. Everyone benefits from more omega 3s. About 99 percent of Americans are deficient in these critical fats. Ideal ways to get them include eating wild or sustainably raised cold-water fish (at least two servings weekly), buying omega-3 rich eggs and taking an omega-3 supplement twice a day with breakfast and dinner that contains 500-1,000 milligrams of omega-3 fats (a ratio of roughly 300 EPA to 200 DHA is ideal).
The post WWR 25: That FAT Episode appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
WWR 24 : Menstruation – Myths, Mysteries, and Rituals
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Once upon a time women’s cycles were revered, celebrated and ritualized
however in more recent times menstruation has been reduced to an
inconvenient, unhygienic and messy event that most of us would be happy to get
rid of. However, is this attitude detrimental to our hormonal health and the way
we view our body?
This week, The Wellness Women delve into the world of the sacred feminine
practices traditionally used by women to honour their menstrual cycles and how
best to use these in our modern world to help create balance and harmony.
Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea also take you through history to understand why
we’ve lost that connection with our body and explore some of the bizarre
attitudes different cultures subjected women to during their periods.
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Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
WWR 23 : What your hair and nails reveal about your health
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
What your hair and nails reveal about your health!
Hair and nail changes are associated with many different health conditions and
can even indicate warning signs of other potential problems. These parts of our
body are not just aesthetic but can certainly reflect our general state of health. In
this episode Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea discuss the most common complaints
women have about their hair and nails and its underlying causes.
Do you know why women have grey hair prematurely? Do you know what
causes dandruff? Have you wondered what those white lines or splitting nails
actually mean? Tune in to find out!
The Wellness Women also share their top tips for beautiful hair and nails and
their secrets are much more than just taking a silica supplement or magic pill!
The post WWR 23 : What your hair and nails reveal about your health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
WWR22 : Why I Don’t Own a TV
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Tune in this week to discover why Dr Andrea doesn’t own a TV! Did you know that in Australia alone we spend over 9 BILLION hours per year watching TV? Does this mean we’re wasting our lives watching television? Have you ever wondered if this is harmful to our wellbeing or if it’s stopping us from reaching our full potential?
The Wellness Women dive into these key questions and decipher how we can make the most of our time and still enjoy our guilty entertainment indulgences! Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea also conclusively answer the question: ‘Does watching TV makes us happy’…tune in to find out the answer!
The post WWR22 : Why I Don’t Own a TV appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
WWR21 : To coffee or not to coffee?
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
This week, the Wellness Women delve into the pros and cons of your favourite morning ritual! Is coffee all it’s cracked up to be?
We know coffee perks us up, increases our stamina and tastes great but did you know that it can also decrease the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer and depression in women, and may even lower your risk of Parkinson’s disease?
Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea also explore the science behind why we love coffee so much, its impact on our brain function and how you can hack your coffee experience to keep you going for the entire day!
Don’t put down your cup until you’ve heard the full episode!
The post WWR21 : To coffee or not to coffee? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
WWR20 : PCOS: The Myths, Realities, and Solutions
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Do you have PCOS or know a woman who does? With 18-20% of women diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, and many more undiagnosed, this is an important topic for ladies, especially of reproductive age. Ashleigh shares her journey through the PCOS maze, and explores the options available. The Wellness Women discuss insulin resistance, infertility, weight gain, and other symptoms of PCOS. Are you ready to solve this challenging hormonal and metabolic dysfunction? Your diagnosis is just a small part of the journey – tune in to this episode for a better understanding of what you can do to help yourself move beyond the confusion and uncertainty of your PCOS diagnosis. Take steps towards hormonal harmony and whole body wellbeing with this easy lifestyle guidance.
The post WWR20 : PCOS: The Myths, Realities, and Solutions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
WWR 19 : On the pulse: Hot health predictions and trends to watch for in 2016
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Looking into the crystal ball to discover the hottest health trends in 2016! Will current health trends continue? Are there new discoveries on the wellness horizon? The Wellness Women share their predictions for the services, products, and foods that will rock (and mineralise!) your wellness world this year. Move over kale, the new green machine is matcha! The wellness industry is growing rapidly, so keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening. All-inclusive wellness studios, nootropics, adaptogens, quick-spray and IV vitamins, magnificent magnesium, beauty products you drink, courtyard veggie patches, health-fuelled insta-celebrities, the new ‘wonder drug’ LDN, wearable health technology, and a whole lot more about THE diet fad that will sweep the globe this year. Tune in to discover what’s on the wish-lists of proactive health-lovers.
The post WWR 19 : On the pulse: Hot health predictions and trends to watch for in 2016 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
WWR18 : Talking Hormones with Dr. Oz and Oprah
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
The single biggest challenge to every woman’s health is the balance of her hormones. On this weeks episode, Dr Andrea shares her crucial 4 S’s to solving hormone imbalances. Do you suffer with roller coaster emotions, up and down health, or just know your hormones are not quite right? 4 easy strategies will give you instant action steps to get you back on track! The Wellness Women discuss what ‘out of whack’ hormones can do to your health and some easy steps you can take to feel more balanced, happy, and in control of your health. They overview Dr. Oz’s discussion on “The Hormone Factory” and discover why Oprah frequently features guests that explore women’s health. Ladies, just because hormone problems are common, does not mean they are normal. Tune in for an episode that is important for every woman!
The post WWR18 : Talking Hormones with Dr. Oz and Oprah appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
WWR 17 : The Five Love Languages
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Authentic relationships are just as important to our health and wellbeing as is sleep or nourishing food! This week, The Wellness Women delve into the concept of Love Languages, the term coined by the brilliant relationship counselor and best selling author Gary D Chapman. There are five basic love languages or five ways in which we express our love and appreciation but we all identify primarily with one of love languages. Understanding what your love language is as well as your partners (or family member, child, co-worker etc) is essential to heart felt communication and effective relationships! Tune in to find out what Dr Ashleigh and Dr Andrea’s love languages are and how they navigate these in all their interactions!
The post WWR 17 : The Five Love Languages appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
WWR 16 : Curing Christmas Chaos with Kindness
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Dr Andrea has just returned from a mission trip in India and she gets a rude awakening with Christmas consumerism in full swing. How can we overcome the stress and pressure of finding the perfect gift? What ways can we create meaningful connections with loved ones without spending a lot of money? And how can we increase our joy and happiness through random acts of love and service? This episode will have you bubbling with great gift ideas and helps us all to reframe our expectations of Christmas to create a magical holiday season for ourselves and our family! The Christmas stockings are overflowing with love in this uplifting chat with The Wellness Women.
The post WWR 16 : Curing Christmas Chaos with Kindness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
WWR 15: To Meat, or not to Meat? Now that is the question on our lips this week
Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
Tuesday Dec 15, 2015
A recent article came out claiming meat consumption causes cancer! The vegetarians and vegans celebrated, so Dr. Andrea and Dr. Ashleigh decided to dive into the facts and fiction behind the media article. Does meat-eating cause cancer? On this episode they discuss their personal experiences being vegetarian (and switching back and forth with meat eating), the consequences of media sensationalism, ethics of the meat industry, paleo living, Pete Evans, meat myths, serving sizes, and the ways you can source high quality farm-fresh organic meat. Protect yourself from chronic lifestyle disease – discover how your food choices determine your health future on this enlightening episode of Wellness Women Radio.
p.s. If you love what we do and you know someone in your life who could benefit from the info we share – please pass on the links, connect with us on Facebook, and most importantly leave us a comment and five-star rating on iTunes if you feel we deserve it! We record these episodes each week because we want you to learn, be inspired, and live an exceptional life! Love & abundant health, The Wellness Women.
The post WWR 15: To Meat, or not to Meat? Now that is the question on our lips this week appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
WWR14: Thyroid dysfunction, Hashimoto’s, weight gain, and infertility
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
This week Dr. Ashleigh and Dr. Andrea expose the function and importance of a well-known but often misunderstood hormone producer – the thyroid gland. So many women are suffering hormonal chaos due to a dysfunctional thyroid gland. Tests may show ‘normal’ lab results – so why are you experiencing thyroid symptoms? The ladies discuss the HPA axis, functional medicine, thyroid function testing, immune function, the signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, adrenal issues, and effective ways to restore your hormone balance. It is your turn to understand the anatomy, physiology, and chemistry that is creating your health problems. In this episode The Wellness Women thoroughly discuss this very common but hidden source of health problems in Australian women. Find out how you can rediscover your hormone harmony!
The post WWR14: Thyroid dysfunction, Hashimoto’s, weight gain, and infertility appeared first on The Wellness Couch.